Tools developed or applied during SISCODE in the ten real-life experimentations centers are collected here.
They are organized divided for the different phases of the development process: stakeholder engagement, ideation, product or service development and prototyping
stakeholder engagement
The tools contained in this section will provide an overview of different ways to identify the actors in your environment that could share your innovation journey.
With this tool, you will be able to get a better understanding of the challenge you are trying to solve and build on your capacities to innovate. How can involving stakeholders help you in achieving sustainability?
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This learning module will give you an overview of the different ways in which you can transform the discovery research done into an idea. The process oscillates between moments of divergence (intangible), in which all ideas are ok regardless of their feasibility to moments of convergence (tangible), in which innovative yet feasible ideas are selected and explored further.
This module provides you with tools to help you generate ideas rapidly in group or individually.
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product/service development
This learning module will give you an overview of how to design a new product or a new service.
The module builds off the research and knowledge around the problem and the selected idea developed in the previous modules
to transform the idea into a consolidated concept to be later prototyped and tested.
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This section will give you an overview of basic prototyping tools to test your solution. While prototyping usually entails the development of the service or product and can be quite resource-intensive,
in this module, innovators will learn simple prototyping tools that focus on the visualization of the service/product to test the features or processes behind them, which require less resources to produce. This is done for example through paper-based prototyping and role play.