Business Model Canvas

Envision the implementation of your concept to develop a solid and realistic basis for planning


The Business Model Canvas helps you envision the implementation of your idea and evaluate the different factors that affect your activities. This canvas has six steps that help you weigh the main use of your tools, how to engage your stakeholders and create impact and the key competencies and resources you need.

– Describe your prototype or tool focusing on its usage, frequency and preconditions for its usage.
– Describe how you will engage your stakeholders and think about who should own the prototype or tool
– Describe the value of your prototype or tool to see if it has societal impact and what type of activities you can implement to have the most impact
– Describe your end-users and how you will collaborate with them, through which channels and whether you should use different or the same channels to communicate with them.
– Describe the resources and competencies you will need to develop a sustainable solution and how you can use them efficiently and effectively.