SWOT analysis

Analyse your environment for specific strenghts and weaknesses to spot opportunities and attention points


A SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a tool to synthesise insights for strategic planning and to create awareness of interesting opportunities. It helps to understand the strength and weaknesses of the curriculum in comparison to similar programmers or institutions. A SWOT analysis maps elements from external sources to help in recognising opportunities to exploit, and it points out threats which could hinder attaining the objectives. A SWOT matrix gives a deep understanding of what exactly has to be done to change, or not, according to the current trends in curriculum design.


SWOT analysis is usually registered on a template: a map with a four-square quadrant with Strength and Opportunities in the left and right top corners, and Weakness and Threats on the left and right lower corner of the map. Use a standard set up of a regular Brainstorm session, generating ideas for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Start to sort the ideas based on their affinity with the other ideas. After the sorting and clustering is complete, start a group conversation to create a broad category for each smaller cluster. Choose the most important categories from each quadrant for revising or setting up the curriculum by applying Dot Voting. The most voted Strengths and Opportunities can be transported to the Opportunity Mind Map


Humphrey, A. S. (2005). SWOT analysis. Long Range Planning, 30, 46-52.