What’s next for the CoRRI forum? Join our workshop on 26/04

CoRRI as a community of practice to stimulate application of co-creation and public engagement in policymaking has been conceptualised, prototyped, implemented and tested in the SISCODE project. Throughout its journey, CoRRI has engaged policymakers, academics, students, researchers, EU projects, co-creation community members, RRI initiatives and citizens, among others. These target stakeholders of CoRRI were not only the participants of the different activities but the long-term co-owners and co-implementers of the initiative. Now, CoRRI as open-source and inclusive initiative is bringing all its stakeholders to design its action plan for the next phase taking into consideration the immediate and pressing needs of its end-users. Thus, in this workshop, the target stakeholders of CoRRI will co-design its sustainability action plan as the contributors and beneficiaries as well as co-owners of the initiative.

When? 26 April 2021,10:00-12:00 CEST.
Language: English
Where? Online (Zoom + Miro)


REGISTER HERE – The registration is free and compulsory. Please register by 23 April 2021.

CONTACT: olgaglumac@spi.pt; tedoraaibu@spi.pt

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