Great collaboration with FtS therapists

After the first tests with children, Polifactory dedicated one day to the confrontation with therapists who already participated in several FightTheStroke activities. Six therapists participated in this meeting which was oriented aimed at verifying and identifying the preferrable movements and gestures for children with physical impairments due to a stroke or cerebral palsy.

The activity was structured in three moments. The first, aimed at freely testing the BODYSOUND solution. The second moment was dedicated to a plenary conversation guided by a series of questions, aimed at validating some aspects of the solution and identifying some possible training modalities that could be useful for the motor reactivation of children with cerebral palsy. Then, we asked the therapists to suggest some gestures and test the solution once again.

From this meeting, we drew important insights related to:

We have also acquired a series of useful information to be able to go into the details of the movement guide.

Therapists were all interested and optimistic in BODYSOUND potentialities

“A tool of this type to encourage motor reactivation can be effective because the motor exercise is placed in a context where children do not expect to have to recruit at all costs the pleural limb, the motivation is able to activate some movements (even involuntarily, through play) that were previously unthinkable, this system could make the experience “intensive” because for children is engaging and fun and this can certainly make more effective reactivation”.

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